Congratulations to the 2017-2018 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program Finalists

Another successful application cycle of the Global UGRAD Program has come to an end, and the 2017-2018 finalists have been announced. Congratulations to all those selected! You were chosen in this highly competitive process from among more than 20,000 applicants. You should be very proud of yourselves! Get excited – it’s really happening.

If you were not selected this year, do not despair. Even completing your application took a lot of dedication, and many students do not make it to the final stages on their first or even second try. We hope that you will consider applying again for the 2018-2019 program year.

Thank you to our partners at the U.S. Embassies and Fulbright Commissions around the world for their hard work and dedication in selecting this next group of outstanding young leaders. We look forward to collaborating with you for a successful 2017-2018 program year, and can’t wait to get to know the selected candidates.

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